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Kufic Calligraphy Quran Liste

Dr colin baker outlines the development of qur anic calligraphy from some of the earliest existing qur ans. Due to the script s short vertical and elongated horizontal strokes it was written in a landscape wide format.

Abu Dervish Ancient Manuscript Review 110 Antique Kufic Quran

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The first verse of the qur an composed in the shape of the name muhammad itself in square kufic. Please help us by uploading beautiful traditional pieces of islamic calligraphy we prefer classical islamic calligraphy rather than modern calligraphic art by muslims. Chapters and excerpts from the qur an are a common and almost universal text upon which islamic calligraphy is based.

He also explores geographic variations in scripts alongside developments in arabic grammar changing mediums and qur an formats. Kufic is defined as a highly angular form of the arabic alphabet originally used in early copies of the qur an. The striking angular arabic script known as kufic takes its name from the iraqi town of al kufah one of the earliest centres of islamic learning where the script is thought to have developed.

Kufic is noted for its proportional measurements angularity and squareness. The development of islamic calligraphy is strongly tied to the qur an. The website allows people to upload their own samples of calligraphy to it in order to make it a hub for free islamic and qur anic calligraphy.


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Abu Dervish Ancient Manuscript Review 166 Antique Kufic Quran


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